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Listen to what others had to say about the event:

"Fascinating information in a beautiful, peaceful setting. I can't wait to take Natural Agriculture to my farm"

"These lettuces were incredible, amazing "

"The seeds are in a league of their own"

"We were introduced into this magical arena of being able to create something that was in unison, the seed, the soil and the Earth".

"It really opened me up to a whole new world of nature. I would love to come back again"

"We had such a wonderful and inspiring experience, and would love to return to learn more. It was very eye opening and the lunch was incredible! We would recommend it to everyone, and are so grateful ".

"Feel truly blessed to have experienced this day. So many new experiences in such a calm and enriching atmosphere "

"This simple approach to growing food provides a new courage to do away with artificial control of our land. Seeing is believing where experiences guides our hands. The food is delicious and the intention is admirable. I hope to develop my own little garden of Shumei managed goodness ".

“Natural agriculture has greatly strengthened my relationship with nature and myself. It has given me a deeper understanding of the life cycle of all living things, and has led me to a healthier diet and a happier life. It gives me both purpose and satisfaction in my daily eating and gardening habits. I hope that all people can learn more about the origins of their food and the effects of food on the body as I have from natural agriculture.”

"I believe that the philosophy of Natural Agriculture is the next step beyond the organic movement. Acknowledging that nature is an intelligent source and respecting it by not controlling the growth process of vegetables with fertilizers and pesticides is revolutionary and can change the way we see agricultural practices as we know it."

"Thank you for the most inspiring day ever. Your approach to treat the earth with love has raised my vibration. The staff are sweet & you have the softest approach to educating so many, while acknowledging the beauty and the difference you all make with natural agriculture! I look forward to keeping in touch, and returning to buy your food. All the best ".

"The food was lovely and healthy, presentation perfect. Very friendly, where you can ask questions. Simply perfect! Thank you. "

"Many thanks, very interesting day. Fascinated by the Natural Agriculture philosophy and will practice in my allotment. "

"This introduction day to Shumei Agriculture has been quite a revelatory experience to me. The idea of not using any "soil improvers" such as compost or manure is surprising, and yet completely natural. "

"I like that no chemicals or unhealthy things are added to the soil when growing the food. I also like the way we are taught to respect and love nature and the plants and that Nature teaches us everything. I would recommend Natural Agriculture because it is a healthy way of gardening and farming and we become in love with Nature, the animals, and other aspects of our world."

"The wholeness of spiritual exchange and quality of Nutrition."

"I like the healing of the land. The food has a lot of energy."

"The way farmers respect and learn from Nature. so that we all can practice sustainable ways of food production"

"It is the finest of plant-based food consumption."

"That it doesn’t pollute the earth. I think is a way to eat very healthy"

"Being in balance with nature and enjoying good food with high life force. The level of purity, respect, and love felt for the earth and felt in ourselves through NA. It is better for Mother Earth when we garden naturally. My mind and body feel clearer and stronger when I eat NA products."

"The idea that we can let the soil regain its God given strength to grow beautiful and chemical free crops. Because so much of the food we buy in the supermarket is contaminated with many chemicals and artificial ingredients which are bad for our health and for the soil in our gardens"

"Natural Agriculture is the way of living from Divine plan.  Everything is with Natural ways, and No harm nothing.  There is no other way to go.  NA is the ultimate goal for not only agriculture but also all living. Connection with human beings and soil or lands of mother earth with respect.  There are gratitude and appreciation within NA.  Nature tells you everything, Meishusama said."

"I love the life force of the produce that results from the NA practice. Because is the healthiest food you can have"

I do not want to put poisoned food into my body. N.A. products are so pure - so full of goodness - makes you feel healthy and energized. I would like others to feel the same benefits.

Natural Agriculture is free from all rubbish.

I’m very grateful to have natural agriculture produce, so handy. I love the tomatoes. They are so sweet and juicy.

I love the Natural Agriculture movement. It’s the purest form of producing fresh ingredients for food & drinks that nourish our total wellbeing.

I like the idea that it’s environmental, sustainable and totally in harmony with nature. The produce is fresh, sweet and really solid and tastes good.

Food plays an important role in our daily lives. Not only does Natural Agriculture produce have no pesticides or fertilizers, it contains a huge amount of gratitude and love from the cultivators.

I love Natural Agriculture food.

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